“Pura Vida,” or Endowing Life with Meaning

Dear Friends,The launch of the web site you are now reading represents the realization of a dream many years in the making. We’ve created this site for three main reasons: To allow me the opportunity to express myself directly to you, to share with you my knowledge and experiences, and to contribute to the dissemination of a “positive culture.”
On my web site, which is comprised of three sections, all of which I hope you’ll enjoy, I’ll share at least one topical entry or essay per week. In the “Biography” tab you’ll find seIected highlights of my life story, conveyed in what I aim to be a personal and authentic style. The “Business Life” tab contains entries focusing on projects I have either completed or am currently executing, as well as my vision and the philosophy that underpins my professional life. I’ll strive to ensure these writings offer a broad, up-to-date perspective, stripped of technical details. The “Hobbies” tab is a collection of colorful accounts of what I do in my free time, the things that give me pleasure and stimulation outside my working hours.
You’ll also find a “Media” section that functions as an archive of articles about me and interviews with me from traditional media and the internet. In the “Links” tab can be found all the links to off-site material that interests me and which I find worthy of being shared with you. The “Contact” tab makes it easy for you to write directly to me to forward your ideas and comments. My former blog entries have been collected in the “Archive” tab, with a seIection of the foremost ones accessible on my home page.
I hope that the cultural exchange upon which we are about to embark will last for many years and be as pleasurable for you as it is for me. Let me take a moment to elaborate on the expression “pura vida” I used in the headline of this introductory text. An outlook on life unique to Costa Rica, “pura vida” literally translates as “pure life,” but means “the good life,” “living life to the fullest,” and “positive life.” No matter the context in which it is used, it is a term that radiates positivity. What I understood from “positive life” as an interpretation of “pura vida” is this: Life is joyous only to the extent to which it is endowed with meaning. It is for this reason that we should all assume responsibility for being productive in a positive and meaningful way. And this, too, is the primary purpose of this website, which I aim to enrich with each passing day with your contributions and participation.
Pura Vida!
Tag: yaşam