TIDER helped prevent waste in Bozcaada and also started a campaign for 115 families

On the weekend of 12-13 May, as TIDER, we participated in the fantastic Bozcaada Running event. TIDER’s volunteers started a campaign not only to prevent waste but to also help provide 1 years’ worth of needs for up to 115 families. In volumes, this means preventing up to 30 tonnes of product waste and saving up to 75 tonnes of carbon being released.
As I had written in my previous article, there was a half marathon and 10km running event ran for the 8th time by New Balance and Arkas Turizm in Bozcaada.
I had also written that we were going to Bozcaada with a different purpose this time. I had announced that we would, with much excitement, put our signature onto a very important campaign, which together with the Bozcaada Marathon volunteers and our supporters TIDER started; and with the Bozcaada event, we carried out our waste prevention vision:
- Unopened water bottles were re-directed to the Geyikli Food Bank in order to be delivered to those in need
- Additionally, food and water that can be consumed were collected throughout the event into containers and drums and re-directed to the Geyikli animal shelter
- Plastic and paper waste were collected by our TIDER team mates and volunteers and sent off to the Bozcaada Council for recycling
The campaigns were once again opened
Additionally, the13 athletes that were running on behalf of TIDER along with the 25 volunteers aim to collect 30.475 TL as an extra source. These funds collected will be used towards covering the cost of 115 families 1 years’ worth of basic needs. At the same time, this figure will help prevent and save 30 tonnes of product waste and 75 tonnes of carbon being released.
This time, the majority of our TIDER team participated in this Bozcaada event. Our 2 friends made their first steps onto the island on Thursday. On Friday, 8 more of our professionals made their way to the island. Along with our volunteers, I too joined the rest of the team on the island on Friday. As I was on the road to the island on Friday, I took care of some of the things I had to do. I was able to get onto the ferry boat at 5pm.
On Friday night, in separate groups, everyone enjoyed the joys of the island. I was at a place called Maya on the Friday night. It’s a place that produces its own wine, makes its own cheese along with many other edible products, their meals (especially their tapas mindset which is in small portions), which are all tasty as one another, I would highly recommend to my friends. Its actually not easy to find the location of this restaurant. It’s in a farm house in the inner side of the island. But the inside of the restaurant is pure bliss. The only handicap is it’s a little expensive. But of course, this handicap does not turn you off a place that makes its own mustard and cheeses in a very clean and organized environment.
Here is a photo taken inside the restaurant.
When a cat got on the table at the restaurant, this was the outcome of the photo taken
Saturday on the other hand was a very big day for us. We were ready at the Cumhuriyet Square in the early hours of the morning. At times we stood around our stands and then walked around the square. We took the time to hang out with our Adim Adim friends. I’d like to share with you some photos we took in the square:
By the way, the marathon got delayed by 1 hour. The run that was supposed to start at 10am was moved to 11am. There was severe winds that day and they were waiting for those that hadn’t arrived yet to come and register their enrolments. For this reason, I believe a 1 hour delay is quite normal. At 10.30am I made a speech at the platform that was set up in the Cumhuriyet Square and I explained the TIDER waste prevention vision. I highlighted what the runners and the participants had to do.
At about 11, the half marathon runners took their positions and at 11:30am the 10km runners took their places. The countdown and the excitement lived at that moment was like we were in a carnival. 1989 participants took part in the 8th Bozcaada Half Marathon (21km) and 10km run organized by New Balance. The 10km and 21km started along two running courses in the Cumhuriyet Square and finished up at the same end point.
Our job started in the Cumhuriyet Square once everyone had finished and passed the finish line. The excess water, fruit and other consumable products that were given out accumulated in the Square as waste products, plastic bottles and paper waste. With the help of our supporters, we got to work.
A great example of CSO spirit!
Approximately 25 people (volunteers and professionals) literally carried bags and started collecting empty and full bottles, papers and excess food products. Meanwhile, some runners and participants who saw us do this came to help us out too. Instead of throwing things on the ground, everyone started disposing of them in the containers and drums provided. Infact thousands of people helped us pick up the waste off the grounds. There was an amazing view of solidarity. And this is the spirit of a true CSO! Hooray for the Adim Adim brotherhood!
You can see below the photos taken during collection in the square:
This is an interesting photo. I am pulling out a piece of paper I found in the paper bin. Of course, there is everything but paper in the bin. But in any case, for being wary, I thank those who filled the bin with plastic bottles and metal containers. The important thing was to be part of this awareness. For recycling purposes, these get sorted again with much more care.
Once we were finished up at the Square, we organised ourselves to collect the plastic bottles (empty, semi or completely full) from the running course where the run began. With the bus that the Bozcaada Council provided for us, we managed to collect all the water bottles at the course with our 15 volunteers and professionals in under 2 hours.
After a very tiring day, we handed over the bottles and other goods to the Geyikli Council who sent their vehicles for collection at 5pm. Once we completed this handover, I went straight to my hotel, I put on my swimsuit and went over to the Ayazma cove where all our volunteers were. I stayed there for an hour to enjoy the beauty of the beach and its cold waters. At night, along with our 25 volunteers and professionals, we had our own celebratory dinner at Kuzina Restaurant which has the views of the castle. After dinner, we went out to enjoy a couple of drinks together. We ended the night in the most classic way for me, with ice cream. A busy, effective and tiring day had come to a fantastic end.
The next morning, at the early hours, we got onto the ferry boat to our way back home. This time, I went back via the European side. And of course, another classic was to stop over at Tekirdag and eat their famous Satir meat. For those passing by, I absolutely recommend eating Satir meat especially at the Camlibel Restaurant.
TIDER’s 2018 Bozcaada Campaign
Now lets talk about our campaign. I had written about this before. I want to underline it again. In the help to fight against waste and poverty, Basic Needs Association - TIDER, the runners and the help of the volunteers support, we are able to collect donations via the Adim Adim platform in which the funds are used to meet the basic needs of many families. In 2018, in the 8th New Balance Bozcaada Half Marathon and 10km run, TIDER had 13 athletes run for support. Along with the good samaritans who have opened up their hearts to TIDER including the 25 TIDER volunteers, we aim to raise an extra source of 30,475 TL with the effect of the TIDER campaign in the Bozcaada Half Marathon.
70% more effective than collecting on your own!
With the funds collected in the Bozcaada Half Marathon, we aim to provide 1 years’ worth of basic needs of 115 families while at the same time preventing up to 30 tonnes of product waste and saving up to 75 tonnes of carbon being released.
The ‘TIDER effect’ model established by TIDER can produce 70 times the effect that a donation can make that any individual would normally produce. By this way, every step taken to support a family, TIDER will increase it by up to 70%. For every 265tl donation made to a family, it will cover their needs for a whole year, and for those in the family that are fit enough to work will be provided employment which means a huge 256kg of product waste prevention!
TIDER’s “End to Waste” campaign in Bozcaada
TIDER was able to launch a wide visioned “End to Waste” Campaign successfully in the Bozcaada Half Marathon with the help and support of Arkas Turizm, Bozcaada Council, BOZTID (Bozcaada Tourism Agency), Geyikli Council and New Balance.
Half empty water bottles to be donated to domestic animal shelters…
At the Bozcaada Half Marathon, along with the partnership with Bozcaada Council, the TIDER volunteers were able to collect and separate the waste products; these being water, food products, paper and plastic from the running arena. Afterwards, this waste was disposed into the 6 containers and 10 drums provided in the Cumhuriyet Square. On the other hand, full and almost empty plastic water bottles were collected from the 5 water stations on the running course and were put into the treatment process. After the separation process, the half empty water bottles were sent off to the Geyikli Council to be redirected to the Domestic Animal shelters, and the untouched bottles of water were sent off to the Geyikli Council Food Bank. Of the products collected, the organic waste products were send off via the Bozcaada Council to be made into compost. The collected paper and plastic on the other hand was sent off to recycling with the mediation of the Bozcaada Council.
The Bozcaada Restaurants also supported the TIDER campaign
The restaurants in Bozcaada also supported the TIDER campaign. The restaurants who partnered with TIDER collected their food left overs and sent them off to the Bozcaada Domestic Animals Shelter. This way, TIDER’s waste prevention vision chain was carried out in the Bozcaada Half Marathon.
From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank all those who were by our side and supported TIDER’s vision; to all the athletes, the companies who supported our campaign, the councils and the contributions of the restaurants. We are very appreciative to all the volunteers and supporters who shared this excitement with us. A thank you also to those who also shared this happiness with us, the ones who came to our stand and supported us throughout this time, and to all our CSO friends. We were able to display a very good example of CSO brotherhood in Bozcaada. We will continue to do whatever we can to provide the needs for social development to the people of our country.
I want to repeat this again and again: We are planning on spreading our waste prevention and family development model to the whole of Turkey. We want to open a Food Bank in every district of Turkey. We want to be the first to take steps in opening animal homes and biogas plants in all districts of the country.
Lets not forget that 14% of Turkey’s population, being 13 million are living below the poverty line and we can together help support them. Each year, with a value of 1.5 billion lira worth of bread which equates to 6 million is thrown out. The loss in fruit and vegetables on the other hand is at a value of almost 16 billion. The waste generally is made by 39% from producers, 51% from wholesalers and 14% from the catering sector. Although they are still in a position to be used, they are thrown in the bin, but if we can prevent this waste, there will be no one living below the poverty line in this country.
We invite you all to support us throughout this most valuable endeavour.
In order to donate, all you have to do is visit this link: https://bagis.adimadim.org/?ccid=CC30126
I’d like to thank in advance all our friends and supporters who are by the side of TIDER. We will together, continue to provide and contribute to the needs and social development of the people of our country.
NOTE: If you are still not aware of TIDER, you can visit our website for more information www.tider.org. Alternatively, in summary, this is what we do:
Basic Needs Association (TIDER), is a food bank which adopts a wide capacity view to fight against poverty and against waste with a holistic model, and as a civil society organisation, has substantial tangible solutions. With the Support Markets it has established, the consumable products, cleaning products and clothes it has rescued from being waste is shared amongst families living below the poverty line. Being awarded for its authentic and original model by the Global Foodbanking Network, it also helps to find work for family members who want to work or otherwise help those who’d like to start their own businesses; and most importantly help with other problems they live through with the help of other CSO’s and civil organisations to make permanent changes.
With the problems that poverty brings, TIDER has recognized that delivering just basic needs is not enough and that expanding the food banking model in Turkey and by means to the rest of the world needs further action. With this goal in view, it developed the Support Cloud platform, which brings together member food banks and companies that donate products, which enables the reduction to waste and in-turn generates full scale solutions. On the other hand, it has developed another form of software which is called Support HR platform, which helps those looking for a job to get in contact with employment agencies, predominantly for blue collar workers.
Take care...
Tag: sosyal sorumluluk