Süper Lig’in 2. haftasında kaosun ayak sesleri!

Bu hafta sonu Süper Lig’in ikinci haftasındaki karşılaşmalarda gördüğümüz manzara hiç iç açıcı değildi. Hakemlerin sürekli belli takımların lehine veya aleyhine verdikleri bariz hatalı kararlar, başta kulüp başkanları olmak üzere bazı yöneticilerin insanları ısrarla kışkırtmaları, sürekli yaratılan kavga ortamı ve daha niceleri. Ne yazık ki daha ligin en başında bu sene kaosun eksik olmayacağı kesinleşti. read more...

Elon Musk’ın Twitter’ı satın alması

Elon Musk Twitter’a ilk talip olduğunda büyük sansasyon yarattı. Alıp almayacağı tartışılırken hatta davalık olmuşken bir anda satın alma işlemini tamamlayıverdi. Taşlar yerine oturdu derken, Musk şaşırtma konusunda yanıltmadı ve attığı adımlarla Twitter’ın çalkantılı yolculuğunu fırtınaya dönüştürüverdi. Twitter’ın Musk tarafından satın alınmasını kendi perspektifimden anlatırken bundan sonraki olasılıkları ve bazı önerilerimi aktaracağım. read more...

Geçen yılın bilançosu, gelecek yılın temennileri

21 Aralık 2021 tarihinde yılın en “karanlık” gününde bu seneki son yazıyı kaleme almaya koyulduğumda, uzun bir süre sonra problemleri teker teker çözmeye başlayıp kendimi daha iyi hissettiğimi fark ettim. Tabii daha yapacak çok iş var, ama geleceğe artan bir umutla baktığımı söyleyebilirim. read more...

COP26 Zirvesi ve geleceğimize dair düşündürdükleri

31 Ekim-12 Kasım tarihlerinde İskoçya’da düzenlenen COP26 zirvesi iyisiyle kötüsüyle çok ses getirdi. Bu zirveye ilk olarak McGill Üniversitesi’nde iklim kriziyle ilgili yaptığım konuşmada değinmiştim. Bu yazımda daha detaylı bir özet sunacağım, sonunda da zirveyle ilgili kendi fikirlerimi paylaşacağım. read more...

The analysis of my 43rd birthday: The light that destroyed the darkness

As we approach the end of a year full of disasters, pain and troubles, both globally, for our country, and personally, it is hopeful to see positive and constructive developments on my 43rd birthday. Darkness on one side, light approaching on the other. Here is a brief evaluation of the year we are about to leave behind and my perspective on the future… read more...

Why was the whole world drawn into the US elections?

On November 3, elections were held in the USA. The process was completed last weekend. Biden took the lead in the election, which was quite contentious. These results brought with them a lot of controversy and conspiracy theories. However, I would like to touch on another aspect of the issue. read more...

A different way to celebrate the April 23 festivities on the 100th anniversary of T.B.M.M.

This year we witnessed a different way to celebrate April 23. There were two reasons for this. It was 100 years of the opening of Turkia’s Grand National Assembly which is the representative for Turkish legislature. This milestone coincided with the global epidemic that affected the whole world. So, how did the Turkish Nation react? read more...

The team raising champions with an exemplary model: Modafen

I wrote my first article about Modafen in April, which is a football club and a multi-faceted educational institution. Modafen's achievements are not limited to football. In many different fields of sport, it raises well-qualified and educated athletes and runs from national and international arenas to success. As one of Turkia’s exemplary models, Modafen has redefined the school-sport relationship between educational institutions, and I would like to tell you about it in depth in this article. read more...

To be worthy of our Republic on the 100th anniversary of Ilk Adim

When Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk went to Samsun with the Bandırma ferry with his fellow soldiers to start the War of Independence, he took the first important step to achieve his dream of establishing a new nation that seemed almost impossible. And we, who want to be worthy of our republic now, which is seen as almost impossible in the current conditions; took the first step in Nigde for the aim of achieving a “Global Company” from our country. read more...

Keep calm during the elections and help contribute

When I turned on my phone after my flight to Italy on Monday, after seeing the news of the new elections and many messages of reaction, I wanted to write this article on my way back and remind all voters of Istanbul how they can contribute with common sense and with a constructive approach. read more...

I am the first passenger of the new airport!

As a result of fate, I was the first passenger to board the first flight departing from the new Istanbul Airport even though I made no effort to achieve this. Here is the story of my “by chance” historical feat…   read more...

The honor of representing my country in two continents in just one week

With less than a week before the local elections, I had to make a concise plan to represent my country at two key events, one in the UK and one in Canada, from Monday to Saturday, and then have enough time to return to vote. Here are the details of the adventure from the Food Banking Summit in London to the events in Montreal… read more...

Once again, the Antalya Runatolia run!

Once again, I was part of one of my favorite running events of all time, Runatolia 2018 (the run in Antalya). In this article, I am sharing with you my experiences prior to and after the run. I will also give an insight of my experiences at KFC and Pizza Hut in this piece along with the campaign I have started for TIDER, which I want some support with. Finally, due to the post date of this article, I want to wish from the bottom of my heart a very Happy Women’s Day to all the women and I’d like to share my thoughts with you regarding this special day. read more...

New targets and hopes for a New Year…

We have recently left behind an eventful year marked by much sadness for our society, but a year in which we have also enjoyed some great successes as we forged ahead despite the uncertain business climate.  In this, the last post of 2016, I would like to evaluate our achievements over the past year and list our targets for 2017. read more...

Congrats to Kartal from a Galatasaray supporter!

In line with my preference for keeping my blog topical and with an eye to current events and recent happenings, I’ve decided to write about Beşiktaş’ championship win this week. I plan to write the second installment of my piece on the United Nations next week. read more...

October 29, The Republic Day

I was very busy; therefore I can convey my thoughts about the Republic Day we celebrated last week with great enthusiasm just now.​ read more...

Fathers And Children; Those Who Can Be A Father, Those Who Can’t And Those Who Don’t

Recently, we celebrated this year’s Father’s Day. Like some other days, Father’s Day was made up. Even though it’s a commercialized ‘special day’ that positively affects the market, we can say that it’s beneficial because it reminds us of fatherhood.​ read more...