A children's festival and beyond with our TIDER volunteers

I believe that volunteering is one of the indispensable elements for non-governmental organizations. TIDER's volunteers signed onto a great event that once again proved the accuracy of this approach. Here are my notes about the children's festival organized under the leadership of our volunteers and the Ultimate Cunda event that we will put into place with the principle of “zero waste” on July 6…
We had put a lot of thought into volunteering and we made a lot of effort to do so. I have voiced that civil society cannot exist without volunteering in all environments. I even wrote a blog post titled “The most important building block of development: Volunteering”:
Fortunately, we have a great group of volunteers at TIDER. If I try to count all of them right now, I have to list the names of at least 50 very valuable volunteers. For this reason, I am still content to state that İsmail, Fatoş and Edanaz are among the top volunteers.
A running festival for children of families in need
As far as I had heard, they organized a running festival for the children of needy families who benefited from our Maltepe Support Market, which was the idea of Ismail and with the contribution of all our volunteers. You can see the program below:
It was a great start to Sunday morning for me. I came to the field and participated in the warm-up movements with the children. After the warm-up session, we made our last speeches before the run.
And off they go…
Later, when Burcu accidentally forgot to bring the race ribbons to the finish line, I ran to her aid. J It was a nice way to finish.
After putting the medals on the kids one by one, we all had a picnic together. The best part of the picnic was that all our volunteers exhibited their skills and brought great food. All families were delighted while having these delicious dishes together and chatting. It made me very happy to see that the children in particular had fun and laughs. Afterwards, we switched to taking photos mode:
After distributing the chocolates to the children, I said goodbye to everyone and set out for my family visit on Sunday.
A challenging “zero waste” organization in the triathlon
After I left, Hande came to the area where I handed over the chairmanship of the board to her. Although we didn’t come across each other this time, she also joined the picnic after me and shared this pleasure with the children. It doesn’t matter though, we are always together and even this weekend we will sign onto another wonderful event with our volunteers at the Triathlon event in Cunda. In this event called ‘Ultimate Cunda’, we will showcase TİDER's vision to prevent waste, just like we did in Bozcaada. Here, I have once again shared the table of our “Waste Prevention Vision” which lays the foundation of the “Zero Waste” movement for you to remember:
I will share the link of the blog post I wrote, about what we did in Bozcaada to refresh your memory:
You can also watch the related video below:
It will be more difficult to carry out a similar event in Cunda like we did last year in Bozcaada, because this time there are 3 sports branches: cycling in the morning, swimming in the afternoon and jogging in the evening. We will focus on preventing waste in each area. Before this event, this time we will give training to the municipality, the participants of the organization and all other participants. I am already looking forward to this event, which will take place on July 6.
We will always do sports with a wonderful organization including all our volunteers, our Adım Adım friends and participants, we will bring to life the “responsible consumption” principle and prevent waste, and we will have a lot of fun. We would love to see you all there.
Tag: sosyal sorumluluk