TIDER’s great representation of our country in this year’s Foodbanking Leadership Institute

Turkey’s umbrella establishment Food Bank, TIDER (Basic Needs Association), represented the country in the best possible way in this year’s organised event by the Foodbanking Leadership Institute as they did in last year’s event organised by the Global Foodbanking Network (GFN). We enabled this great representation of Turkey in this event with the delivery of our presentations and by developing a great bond with all the participants.
Let’s go back to our story. Last week I went to Houston once again. This city might not be America’s most sympathetic city but it definitely has been the luckiest one for me. When my father got diagnosed with cancer in 2003, my father had asked me to research the best place he can get treated. I was able to find two very reputable hospitals in America that can offer this. One being, MD Anderson in Houston and the other Sloan Kettering Hospital in NY.
In the end, we compared and measured the two hospitals by their advantages and disadvantages. And after long negotiations with both hospitals international departments, we decided to go with Houston’s MD Anderson Hospital. My dad’s luck was that the cancer they diagnosed him with was in the early stages. His treatment continued till 2007 and in the end, he healed.
The second time this city gave me luck was winning the GFN Awards in last year’s event. This time last year, we had participated in the first ever held Innovations Awards organized by GFN. We were finalists amongst 8 others and we won the award. This success is very important from a Turkish CSO point of view. I had written an article regarding the innovation award and what we experienced afterwards. In order to remind you, here are the links:
This year, we again went to the event with our Foundations representatives, CEO, Miss Pinar Degirmencioglu and our Foundation Director, Miss Ezgi Ozkok.
From a food banking point of view, like last year, this year’s event was rich in detail. To give you an idea of this program, I’d like to share the titles that took place in the conference of this program:
Monday 12th March
Successfully Implementing Virtual Food Banking
Volunteer Activity at Houston Food Bank
Global Food Bank Innovation Award ‐Presentations
Tuesday 13th March
Evolving Strategies to Secure More Food
Introducing the Concept of Shared Value
Using Partner Segmentation to Enhance Relationship Management
Understanding and Controlling Your Inventory Community
Factors Influencing the Global Food Industry
Regional Meetings
Wednesday 14th March
Fundraising and Resource Development: Corporate Partnerships
GFN Grants –Tips for Securing Funding from GFN
FIELD TRIP Operations Tour of Galveston County Food Bank
Thursday 15th March
The Importance of Metrics and Evaluation
Strategic Thinking – More Than Strategic Planning
The Transformative Role of Educational Actions for Beneficiary Institutions
Understanding the Different Models of National Food Bank Networks
Governing Your Organization
Global Food Bank Innovation Award –Presentation of Award Wrap–Up and Goodbye
In this year’s program, they requested we make speeches regarding two topics. One was regarding the TIDER brand. The second was regarding the benefits winning the first innovation award has enabled for us. I will now share the speeches I made with photos and with the presentation slides.
A photo taken from the first speech I made
A photo taken from the first speeches being made
The first speech I made was formed in accordance to “Great first impressions: developing a brand that works for you”.
Because they asked us to make the presentation in two slides, I shared the most important two slides. One of these is regarding our two main visions:
- Waste prevention
- Help those in need stand on their own feet
The other slide was regarding the ‘waste prevention’ donation chain we are aiming to develop: Food Producers, Retailers, Food Banks, Animal Shelters and Biogas Plants.
Later on, I explained the history behind our Foundation. I then shared slides regarding the development of our name and logo:
From these logos, you can see that our foundation was established in 2010 as the Food Banking Foundation. From the beginning, we had the missions to become the umbrella establishment for the Food Banking sector. The first logo was very basic and in a pie chart format. The marketing agent who designed this didn’t really design it well enough for a foundation to be forming important relationships with corporate firms. I had requested a favour from this agency who was working with the retail company I was in at the time and asked them to “give us a little support” regarding this topic. And they put this logo in front of us. To be honest, the result didn’t satisfy me.
In the 2014 speech I made in the general board advising that I am changing sectors (I moved from food retail to renewable energy sector) and that I wanted to hand over the role of CEO, the members of the board insisted I stay and continue the role. I then advised that the current model doesn’t satisfy me and that we need to take shape not in the ‘catch fish’ model but the ‘while giving fish, teach how to catch fish’ model. I explained the new structure that was in my mind. After all the talks I made, all the general board members supported my thoughts and new model idea and with a unanimous vote, we changed our name and established our new foundation.
When we were changing our name, everyone threw out a new name suggestion; we even had some who said we shouldn’t change our name. In the end, the name I suggested “TIDER” being “Basic Needs Association” got approved with the most votes. In order for people to get used to our new name, when making these radical changes, we first went from Food Banking Society to Food Banking & Basic Needs Association. Two years later, we removed Food Banking and formally became the Basic Needs Association. Above you can see our name and logo chronology.
The story of our logo is like this: Trusting in his creativity, I explained our vision in detail to Gokhan Erkek, the founder of GEN3. After I explained the structure in my mind to him, I asked him to produce a figure which stipulates ‘a person who can stand on their own feet and fly with his own wings’.
Believe it or not, I advised him to do this on a Friday. He worked over the weekend and on Monday, he came back to me this fantastic logo. After making a few touchups, the final logo below took shape.
For always being able to read what’s on our mind and for being able to completely translate this into a logo, we sincerely thank you Gokhan!
Afterwards I shared the emblem that was designed by Elcin Ekinci of the Support Market who I sincerely admire, which was yet another important formation for our foundation.
This emblem will take place in the entrance of all the Support Markets. I’d like to share with you once again the symbol of “a human which forms from the fruits of the roots that were nourished and fed”
For giving us this amazing piece of art, I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart Elcin!
The logo and emblem that we shared at the conference, was liked by all the Food Banking professionals who participated. They advised us of this during and after the speech I made.
In the next slide, you can see how we brought to life the figure of a human which forms and can fly with their own wings and stand on their own feet.
In the next slides you can also see the products we designed with our logo.
Award and Brooch designs
Our ring design. This ring comes in gold, silver and white gold. Everyone loved our rings and there was a huge demand for them.
Cloth bag, donation box and donation bin
Our first t-shirt design and a photo taken of our volunteers wearing our t-shirt
A photo we took at the Harvest Festival with our TIDER professionals. On these t-shirts that we are wearing, you can see our temporary logo (GBTIDER). In the logo design there are soaps distributed evenly in a very joyous way. And these soaps are from the Yirca Village in which we started the rural development project.
The final slides where you can see our logo and emblem
From the speeches in the morning to the innovation award competition in the evening, we did packaging in person at the Houston Food Bank who work by the American depo model. These are the photos from that moment:
I made the second speech in the evening before the finalists who were eligible for the “Innovation Award’. Because we won this award last year, they wanted me to talk about what winning this award has enabled us to do. So I prepared a motivating presentation. These are photos from the presentation I made, the presentation slides and the information I shared:
In the beginning slide, I explained the 3 benefits: International, National and Internal benefits.
I’d like to share with you the International benefits we have reaped:
1. GFN’s support to gain recognition by GFN members and food banking professionals all over the world. You can see this on the right side of the slide and the news that was on the GFN website which had a massive positive effect on us.
2. Confirmation by food bankers all over the world that we are on the right track in terms of sustainability. We always emphasized the while giving fish, teach how to catch fish model. This model was really liked and appreciated by the food bankers. Because you “can only give so much” and in order to make food banking sustainable, everyone accepts that we need to help people in need get on their own feet. That’s why, we think this model is valid not only for Turkey but for the whole world.
3. Increase exchange of information with other food banks around the globe.
I also lined up all the items of benefit that the innovation award gave to us on an International scale:
1. Huge Press Coverage (you can see some articles about us in the below slides)
2. Bring our enhanced food banking concept to the public attention.
- given a speech at the Turkish Parliament, giving us the opportunity to amend the existing legislation for further support
- the increase in more companies and public entities engaged in support for food banking in Turkey
- motivated existing donors
- increased support by private companies (donors) and public entities (district governors, ministries etc.)
3. Recognition as the umbrella organisation of food banking in Turkey
4. Created pride among Turkish NGO’s
5. Building strong bonds with other NGO’s to support our cause of helping people stand on their own feet.
In the below slides, I demonstrated how after the media coverage the final benefits were made to us and lined them as per below:
1. This was a huge motivation award for our volunteers, individual donors, our professionals, board members and other individual shareholders.
2. We became more motivated to create more beneficial effects with the use of innovation and technology (for example: Support Cloud and Support HR projects were accelerated for completion).
Finally, I made an announcement that we would gift all the innovation award finalists with our TIDER ring as a memory and will also distribute all the products we have left at the international reception the next day. You could immediately hear the happy chit chat in the room. After the speech, many people came up to me for the ring. Everyone that participated in the Foodbanking Leadership Institute really loved the design of the ring.
With my words, I tried to convey the importance and value of all the finalists and how the developments of technology can add value to the support and development of mankind; then finishing off with how we require their endless support and wishing them all the success and best.
Finally, I’d like to share with you a video from when we won the award last year and how this video was spontaneously taken with all our friends around us. As you will see in this video, I didn’t expect us to win, that’s why at the beginning I couldn’t really show much of a reaction, I tried to comprehend the situation. So now I say ‘let’s all witness the excitement’ and watch the video from last year:
Everyone that watched the video smiled and clapped. The room was ready for the innovation award.
I’d like to share with you some photos taken during the innovation award to give you a glimpse and enlightening of the competition:
I’d also like to share photos with you from my last night, which was the second day at FBLI and the photos taken in the international reception. Here, all countries had their own tables (some countries shared tables) and everyone displayed the products and items they brought with them:
The team that went to Houston from left to right: Pinar Degirmencioglu (CEO), myself, Ezgi Ozkok (Director of our Foundation)
We shared our table with Ireland
The ladies that participated in the FBLI really liked our rings
The country I love the most in Latin America, Columbia
Another Latin American country close to my heart, Argentina
The country I’d love to one day see, Australia
In memory of my grandfather, the Korean Veteran
The crowded and happy table of Mexico
The winner of this year’s innovation award, the Chinese table
A photo of where the international reception took place. The word HOPE holds a meaning for all of us in some way. You can find words of hope in the HOPE sign seen here
This photo was taken on the last day of FBLI in which I am not in as unfortunately I had to leave early. I wanted to share with you the photo of all the world’s most important food bankers taken altogether.
Tag: sosyal sorumluluk