A historic first in Turkey: Food Banking Summit

Following the traditional break from writing over New Year's, I am again with you with the first article of 2019. A food bank which is at a world standard in Turkey, which is principled and has pioneered by developing systematically, the Basic Needs Association (TIDER), is now presenting the very first Food Banking Summit in Turkey, right after being able to sign onto many firsts. Here are the details of this important endeavor…
I begin this year's first article by sharing some very good news. Here we go.
At TİDER, we continue to sign onto first time endeavors. In 2010, we established TİDER, as the umbrella organization of Food Banking, under the name: Food Banking Association. You can find the summary of what we have done at TİDER at this link: https://www.serhansuzer.com/tr/temel-ihtiyac-dernegi-tideri-anlamak
Previously, in 2012, we were able to introduce food banks from around Turkey over a dinner party. In 2017, we won the innovation award which was presented for the first time by the Global Food Banking Network, which is based in Chicago. This was a very important achievement for the community and non-governmental organizations in Turkey. Moreover, we have built this by integrating employment into our model of food banking. Our model is used as an example by many CSO’s around the world. You can find my article about the innovation award we won at this link: https://www.serhansuzer.com/en/on-the-road-to-becoming-a-global-cso-civil-society-organisation-the-big-award-goes-to-tider
This time, for first time in the history of the Republic of Turkey, we will be organizing a Food Banking Summit. On February 21, 2019 we will gather all the food banks in Turkey together, along with all the private sector representatives and all who have contributed to the participation of all relevant public authorities in the food industry and bring them together at this event. The summit, which will start with the opening speeches at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel at 10 am, will also start taking registrations at 9am.
I would like to share our goals for this summit:
1. To bring food banks together with the private sector to get more and regular donations,
2. To ensure that Food Banks adopt our principles of impartiality, transparency, honesty and sustainability,
3. To ensure that relevant laws and regulations are adopted in international standards in the near future,
4. To inform the private sector representatives who contribute to the system that they have legal interests, besides their moral obligations, such as “tax assessments reductions” in order to encourage them to donate more,
5. How food banking operates and the different models of banking in the world, along with practices and technologies to demonstrate to food banks in Turkey,
6. To honor and thank them by bringing food banking institutions, private sector representatives and public authorities to the forefront,
7. Bringing together the hard workers to share their efforts with everyone.
Below is our program:
Date: Thursday, 21 February
Time: 09.00 - 18.00
Place: The Ritz Carlton, Istanbul
Program Schedule:
9:00 - 10.00: Registrations
10:00 - 10:30: Opening Speeches:
TIDER, Chairman of the Executive Board, Hande Tibuk
TIDER, Founding President, H.Serhan Süzer
T.C Minister of Family, Labour and Social Services, Deputy Minister, Ayşe Kardaş Ergezen
Main Sponsor Speeches, Denizbank
10:30 - 11:15: How food banking operates around the world?
Moderator: Serhan Süzer
Global Food Banking Network (GFN): Craig Nemitz
Assistant at FAO Representative in Turkey: Ayşegül Selışık
11:15 - 11:30: Coffee break
11:30 - 11:45: Interval presentation: Support Cloud: TIDER General Manager, Nil Tibukoğlu
11:45 - 12:00: Interval presentation: Integrating employment with the food banking model: TIDER Support HR Director: Duygu Bekiroğlu
12:00 - 13:00: Legislation in food banking in Turkey, Legal and Regulatory Applications
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Aziz Akgül
Turkey Waste Prevention Foundation President, Prof. Dr. Aziz Akgul
T.C Minister of Family, Labour and Social Services, Deputy Minister, Ayse Kardas Ergezen
T.C Ministry of Trade, Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance General Directorate, Head of Department, Dr. Yakup Güzel
T.C Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Zero Waste Inventory and Training Department Director Hülya Çakır
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
13:00 - 14:00: Lunch
14:00 - 15:00: Supporters of Food Banking
Moderator: Talat Yeşiloğlu
Carrefour SA, Representative
Barilla Foods, Customer Service and Demand Planning Manager, Buket Yıldırım
CHEP, Corporate Communications and Strategic Projects Manager, Serhat Enyüce
15:00 - 16:00: Food Banking Models
Moderator: Dilara Koçak
Support Market, TIDER
Embrace Life Foundation, Ayşe Tükrükçü
Deliler and Veliler Association, Ali Denizci
Needs Map Representative
16:00 - 16:15: Coffee Break
16:15 - 17:15: Zero Waste Vision
Moderator: Murat Sungur Bursa
TIDER: Chairman of the Board, Hande Tibuk
Boğaziçi University Sustainable Development and Cleaner Prodution Center, Prof. Dr. Nilgün Cılız
Bioder, Board Member, Mehmet Ali Nalcacıoğlu
Haykonfed Representative
17:15 - 18:00: Awards and Closing Ceremony
We look forward to welcoming all our friends.
Let’s continue to strive for a more beautiful and liveable world. The important thing is to make the intention and then to take action. You can start this journey by joining our summit. We welcome anyone and everyone who is interested and wishes to contribute in good faith.
For more information, please visit our official website: http://www.gidabankaciligizirvesi.org/
Take care.
Tag: sosyal sorumluluk